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Тема: Словарь сокращений

  1. #1
    Gold Member Аватар для Vladimir5
    Благодарностей: 10 (сообщений: 10)

    По умолчанию Словарь сокращений

    Вот словарик сокращений используемых фирмой Nokia. Да в принципе и не только ею
    A/D-converter - Analog-to-digital converter
    ACI - Accessory Control Interface
    ADC - Analog-to-digital converter
    ADSP - Application DPS (expected to run high level tasks)
    AGC - Automatic gain control (maintains volume)
    ALS - Ambient light sensor
    AMSL - After Market Service Leader
    ARM - Advanced RISC Machines
    ARPU - Average revenue per user (per month or per year)
    ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
    ASIP - Application Specific Interface Protector
    B2B - Board to board, connector between PWB and UI board
    BB - Baseband
    BC02 - Bluetooth module made by CSR
    BIQUAD - Bi-quadratic ,type of filter function)
    BSI - Battery Size Indicator
    BT - Bluetooth
    CBus - MCU controlled serial bus connected to UPP_WD2,UEME and Zocus
    CCP - Compact Camera Port
    CDSP - Cellular DSP (expected to run at low levels)
    CLDC - Connected limited device configuration
    CMOS - Complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor circuit (low power consumption)
    COF - Chip on Foil
    COG - Chip on Glass
    CPU - Central Processing Unit
    CSR - cambridge silicon radio
    CSTN - Color Super Twisted Nematic
    CTSI - Clock Timing Sleep and interrupt block of Tiku
    CW - Continuous wave
    D/A-converter - Digital-to-analouge converter
    DAC - Digital-to-analouge converter
    DBI - Digital Battery Interface
    DBus - DSP controlled serial bus connected between UPP_WD2 and Helgo
    DCT-4 - Digital Core Technology
    DMA - Direct memory access
    DP - Data Package
    DPLL - Digital Phase Locked Loop
    DSP - Digital Signal Processor
    DtoS - Differential to Single ended
    EDGE - Enhanced data rates for global/GSM evaluation
    EGSM - Extended GSM
    EM - Energy management
    EMC - Electromagnetic compability
    EMI - Electromagnetic interference
    ESD - Electrostatic discharge
    FCI - Functional cover interface
    FPS - Flash Programming Tool
    FR - Full rate
    FSTN - Film compensated super twisted nematic
    GND - Ground, conductive mass
    GPIB - General-purpose interface bus
    GPRS - General Packet Radio Service
    GSM - Group Special Mobile/Global System for Mobile communication
    HF - Hands free
    HFCM - Handsfree Common
    HS - Handset
    HSCSD - High speed circuit switched data (data transmission connection faster than GSM)
    HW - Hardware
    I/O - Input/Output
    IBAT - Battery current
    IC - Integrated circuit
    ICHAR - Charger current
    IF - Interface
    IHF - Integrated hands free
    IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity
    IR - Infrared
    IrDA - Infrared Data Associasion
    ISA - Intelligent software architecture
    JPEG/JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
    LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
    LDO - Low Drop Out
    LED - Light-emitting diode
    LPRF - Low Power Radio Frequency
    MCU - Micro Controller Unit (microprocessor)
    MCU - Multiport control unit
    MIC, mic - Microphone
    MIDP - Mobile Information Device Profile
    MIN - Mobile identification number
    MIPS - Million instructions per second
    MMC - Multimedia card
    MMS - Multimedia messaging service
    NTC - Negative temperature coefficient, temperature sensitive resistor used as a temperature sensor
    OMA - Object management architechture
    OMAP - Operations, maintenance, and administartion part
    Opamp - Operational Amplifier
    PA - Power amplifier
    PDA - Pocket Data Application
    PDA - Personal digital assistant
    PDRAM - Program/Data RAM (on chip in Tiku)
    Phoenix - Software tool of DCT4.x
    PIM - Personal Information Management
    PLL - Phase locked loop
    PM - (Phone) Permanent memory
    PUP - General Purpose IO (PIO), USARTS and Pulse Width Modulators
    PURX - Power-up reset
    PWB - Printed Wiring Board
    PWM - Pulse width modulation
    RC-filter - Resistance-Capacitance filter
    RF - Radio Frequency
    RF PopPort TM - Reduced function PopPortTM interface
    RFBUS - Serial control Bus For RF
    RSK - Right Soft Key
    RS-MMC - Reduced size Multi Media Card
    RSSI - Receiving signal strength indicator
    RST - Reset Switch
    RTC - Real Time Clock (provides date and time)
    RX - Radio Receiver
    SARAM - Single Access RAM
    SAW filter - Surface Acoustic Wave filter
    SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
    SID - Security ID
    SIM - Subscriber Identity Module
    SMPS - Switched Mode Power Supply
    SNR - Signal-to-noice ratio
    SPR - Standard Product requirements
    SRAM - Static random access memory
    STI - Serial Trace Interface
    SW - Software
    SWIM - Subscriber/Wallet Identification Module
    TCXO - Temperature controlled Oscillator
    Tiku - Finnish for Chip, Successor of the UPP, Official Tiku3G
    TX - Radio Transmitter
    UART - Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
    UEME - Universal Energy Management chip (Enhanced version)
    UEMEK - See UEME
    UI - User Interface
    UPP - Universal Phone Processor
    UPP_WD2 - Communicator version of DCT4 system ASIC
    USB - Universal Serial Bus
    VBAT - Battery voltage
    VCHAR - Charger voltage
    VCO - Voltage controlled oscillator
    VCTCXO - Voltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
    VCXO - Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
    Vp-p - Peak-to-peak voltage
    VSIM - SIM voltage
    WAP - Wireless application protocol
    WD - Watchdog
    XHTML - Extensible hypertext markup language
    Zocus - Current sensor, (used to monitor the current flow to and from the battery)

    DC\DC - преобразователь постоянного тока
    Надеюсь инфа окажется для кого то полезной

    огромное спасибо PGP
    Последний раз редактировалось Удаленный; 22.03.2008 в 11:31.
    Тише едешь - дальше будешь !

  2. #2
    Пожизненный пользователь Аватар для quartz
    Благодарностей: 43 (сообщений: 18)

    По умолчанию

    Это вроде как сокращения по всем GSM телам,может кому пригодится...
    Вложения Вложения
    Для благодарности есть кнопочка [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
    Внимательно читай правила форума и пользуйся поиском!

  3. #3
    KZ Aktau
    Благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0)

    По умолчанию

    R-UIM ?

  4. #4
    Благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0)

    По умолчанию

    GPRS - песпроводное подклучение интернета возможно по средствам GSM

  5. #5
    Благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0)

    По умолчанию

    GPRS это вроде как протокол передачи данных

  6. #6
    Благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0)

    По умолчанию

    [QUOTE=Vladimir5;5791]Вот словарик сокращений используемых фирмой Nokia. Да в принципе и не только ею
    A/D-converter - Analog-to-digital converter
    ACI - Accessory Control Interface
    ADC - Analog-to-digital converter
    ADSP - Application DPS (expected to run high level tasks)
    AGC - Automatic gain control (maintains volume)
    ALS - Ambient light sensor
    AMSL - After Market Service Leader
    ARM - Advanced RISC Machines
    ARPU - Average revenue per user (per month or per year)
    ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
    ASIP - Application Specific Interface Protector
    B2B - Board to board, connector between PWB and UI board
    BB - Baseband
    BC02 - Bluetooth module made by CSR
    BIQUAD - Bi-quadratic ,type of filter function)
    BSI - Battery Size Indicator
    BT - Bluetooth
    CBus - MCU controlled serial bus connected to UPP_WD2,UEME and Zocus
    CCP - Compact Camera Port
    CDSP - Cellular DSP (expected to run at low levels)
    CLDC - Connected limited device configuration
    CMOS - Complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor circuit (low power consumption)
    COF - Chip on Foil
    COG - Chip on Glass
    CPU - Central Processing Unit
    CSR - cambridge silicon radio
    CSTN - Color Super Twisted Nematic
    CTSI - Clock Timing Sleep and interrupt block of Tiku
    CW - Continuous wave
    D/A-converter - Digital-to-analouge converter
    DAC - Digital-to-analouge converter
    DBI - Digital Battery Interface
    DBus - DSP controlled serial bus connected between UPP_WD2 and Helgo
    DCT-4 - Digital Core Technology
    DMA - Direct memory access
    DP - Data Package
    DPLL - Digital Phase Locked Loop
    DSP - Digital Signal Processor
    DtoS - Differential to Single ended
    EDGE - Enhanced data rates for global/GSM evaluation
    EGSM - Extended GSM
    EM - Energy management
    EMC - Electromagnetic compability
    EMI - Electromagnetic interference
    ESD - Electrostatic discharge
    FCI - Functional cover interface
    FPS - Flash Programming Tool
    FR - Full rate
    FSTN - Film compensated super twisted nematic
    GND - Ground, conductive mass
    GPIB - General-purpose interface bus
    GPRS - General Packet Radio Service
    GSM - Group Special Mobile/Global System for Mobile communication
    HF - Hands free
    HFCM - Handsfree Common
    HS - Handset
    HSCSD - High speed circuit switched data (data transmission connection faster than GSM)
    HW - Hardware
    I/O - Input/Output
    IBAT - Battery current
    IC - Integrated circuit
    ICHAR - Charger current
    IF - Interface
    IHF - Integrated hands free
    IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity
    IR - Infrared
    IrDA - Infrared Data Associasion
    ISA - Intelligent software architecture
    JPEG/JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
    LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
    LDO - Low Drop Out
    LED - Light-emitting diode
    LPRF - Low Power Radio Frequency
    MCU - Micro Controller Unit (microprocessor)
    MCU - Multiport control unit
    MIC, mic - Microphone
    MIDP - Mobile Information Device Profile
    MIN - Mobile identification number
    MIPS - Million instructions per second
    MMC - Multimedia card
    MMS - Multimedia messaging service
    NTC - Negative temperature coefficient, temperature sensitive resistor used as a temperature sensor
    OMA - Object management architechture
    OMAP - Operations, maintenance, and administartion part
    Opamp - Operational Amplifier
    PA - Power amplifier
    PDA - Pocket Data Application
    PDA - Personal digital assistant
    PDRAM - Program/Data RAM (on chip in Tiku)
    Phoenix - Software tool of DCT4.x
    PIM - Personal Information Management
    PLL - Phase locked loop
    PM - (Phone) Permanent memory
    PUP - General Purpose IO (PIO), USARTS and Pulse Width Modulators
    PURX - Power-up reset
    PWB - Printed Wiring Board
    PWM - Pulse width modulation
    RC-filter - Resistance-Capacitance filter
    RF - Radio Frequency
    RF PopPort TM - Reduced function PopPortTM interface
    RFBUS - Serial control Bus For RF
    RSK - Right Soft Key
    RS-MMC - Reduced size Multi Media Card
    RSSI - Receiving signal strength indicator
    RST - Reset Switch
    RTC - Real Time Clock (provides date and time)
    RX - Radio Receiver
    SARAM - Single Access RAM
    SAW filter - Surface Acoustic Wave filter
    SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
    SID - Security ID
    SIM - Subscriber Identity Module
    SMPS - Switched Mode Power Supply
    SNR - Signal-to-noice ratio
    SPR - Standard Product requirements
    SRAM - Static random access memory
    STI - Serial Trace Interface
    SW - Software
    SWIM - Subscriber/Wallet Identification Module
    TCXO - Temperature controlled Oscillator
    Tiku - Finnish for Chip, Successor of the UPP, Official Tiku3G
    TX - Radio Transmitter
    UART - Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
    UEME - Universal Energy Management chip (Enhanced version)
    UEMEK - See UEME
    UI - User Interface
    UPP - Universal Phone Processor
    UPP_WD2 - Communicator version of DCT4 system ASIC
    USB - Universal Serial Bus
    VBAT - Battery voltage
    VCHAR - Charger voltage
    VCO - Voltage controlled oscillator
    VCTCXO - Voltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
    VCXO - Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
    Vp-p - Peak-to-peak voltage
    VSIM - SIM voltage
    WAP - Wireless application protocol
    WD - Watchdog
    XHTML - Extensible hypertext markup language
    Zocus - Current sensor, (used to monitor the current flow to and from the battery)

    DC\DC - преобразователь постоянного тока
    Надеюсь инфа окажется для кого то полезной

    инфа интересная ток еще бы переводы...

  7. #7
    Administrator Аватар для bond95
    Ukraine -Lvov
    Благодарностей: 27 (сообщений: 21)

    По умолчанию

    ДЛя просящих перевода .

    Не лезьте в програимный ремонт без элементарного знания английского языка ..Никто за вас вам переводить не будет . Знание того что означает кнопка UNLOCK это еще не все познания ..

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