- Add shortcut's for fast call Find frase function (Ctrl+F), Find
next frase (F3) and Edit function (F2)
- Add 'Sort', 'Sort and Remove dublicates' button's in Dictionary
- Added new options - Save and Load Font - now you don't
need to know what is "Regions" or "Charsets" in phone
firmware - just found firmware with needed for you font, save
it and upload into your firmware - that's all
- Add option for adding one or more then one symbol into
current edited font
- Now it is possible at any time change the name and code
of language.
Note: If you want to change the withdrawal of methyl letters
with the language package 'from left to right' to 'right to left',
then enter code *#0966#
- Added Font Flag Activity Manager in Font Editor - now you
can enable and disable any of selected font activity flag's
for enable or disable of selected font
- Added new option - 'Delete selected font' - now you can select
and delete non-used font's for have more free space for other
font's or language pack's. Note - you use this option on our own
risk, if you delete font with used in your language pack lettes, it
be show in phone as squares
- Added support for font search, edit and replace in firmware on
MT6228 and MT6230 CPU with NAND flash
- Added support font records type 2
- Added option for automatically loading selected in settings
dictionary after start software
- Added option for load dictionary not from file, but from Dictionary
Editor - check "Use dictionary from Dictionary Editor for 'Load
Dictionary' Button" in settings
- Added Drag'n'Drop for flash files - select flash file, drag and drop it
into Editor window and Editor open and analyse it
- Big changes in font decoding routines for more stability
- Fixed bug with conversion fixed width font to variable width font in
some firmwares
- Now can any symbols from font save/load into/from bmp-file
- Add find, view and edit keyboard input table's
- Add support of some new non-standart firmware
- Many small but convenient changes in user interface