Всех приветствую.... пришел этот аппарат с дефектом "не включается - сначала работал при разговоре потом села АКБ после этого не включается" аппарат сначала прошивал - нет реакции.... потом прогрел - покачал "бутерброд" после этого ТА стал прошиваться - но с некоторыми проблемами... при включении теперь есть вибро (перед прогревом - прокачкой "бутера" его не было) потребление при включении в районе "0.03 - 0.09" А Кто что может подсказать по этому делу?! вот лог --------------------------------------------

Flashing started
Creating product data items list
Product data items list created
Backup not required
Flashing phone
Scanning image files...
Waiting for USB device...
Loading secondary boot code: 15168 bytes
Secondary boot loaded
BB Asic Index is: 00
Asic ID is: 000000030000022600010007600C192102011104
BB Asic Index is: 00
EM Asic ID is: 00001040
BB Asic Index is: 00
EM Asic ID is: 00001030
BB Asic Index is: 00
Public ID is: 1D5000067B400E499574F5949F5EB6B1A4197F07
BB Asic Index is: 00
Asic Mode ID: 00
BB Asic Index is: 00
Hash: 25B977A055BE9B5DEC0C38A2A279C695
BB Asic Index is: 00
ROM ID: 3E273BF637BE26FA
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 05
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 04
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: FFFF
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 00
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0020
Device ID: 0040
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0031
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 00
Device Index is: 01
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0001
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 03
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0020
Device ID: 0040
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0031
Loading update server code: 868528 bytes
Update server loaded
Asic CMT: Start programming 173038 KB...
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 0%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 10%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 20%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 30%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 40%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 50%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 60%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 70%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 80%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 90%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 100%
Programming complete
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Waiting for communication response: 25
Waiting for communication response: 24
Waiting for communication response: 23
Waiting for communication response: 22
Waiting for communication response: 21
Waiting for communication response: 20
Waiting for communication response: 19
Waiting for communication response: 18
Waiting for communication response: 17
Waiting for communication response: 16
Waiting for communication response: 15
Waiting for communication response: 14
Waiting for communication response: 13
Waiting for communication response: 12
Waiting for communication response: 11
Waiting for communication response: 10
Waiting for communication response: 9
Waiting for communication response: 8
Waiting for communication response: 7
Waiting for communication response: 6
Waiting for communication response: 5
Waiting for communication response: 4
Waiting for communication response: 3
Waiting for communication response: 2
Waiting for communication response: 1
Error 0x8401F121 communicating to phone. Unable to verify comm.
Warning: Unable to communicate to product after flashing
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
All operations completed
Product flashing aborted