
I bring to your attention that all BB5BOX sold by Admin Raskal was disabled for updates from our server.

Your BB5BOX can be VERY EASY enabled, just send email to support@bb5box.org with following details:

1. Reseller name and country
2. BB5BOX serial number
3. Invoice copy/scan
4. Approx purchase date

We provide you with support if you support us.


Q: What if my reseller didn't give me any invoice?
A: Ask him now for invoice for your box, i am sure he remember you as customer and he remember you have paid for it. Or ask him to send us the invoice he got from his distributor, and all his boxes will be enabled.

Q: It is my box disabled permanently?
A: NO. You can enable BB5BOX by yourself, just send us what we ask for.

Q: I am reseller, what i do in this case?
A: All your BB5BOX's can be enabled if you send us invoice and payment proof for your boxes.


Неприятные новости касательно обновлений для BB5Box проданых через реселлеров Raskal-я.

Прекращена поддержка и обновления для этой части BB5Box-ов на сервере, которым к сожалению, заведует MANOLE.

Для возобновления поддержки S/N BB5Box, необходимо выслать MANOLE support@bb5box.org :
- Имя реселлера и его страну.
- S/N BB5Box.
- Скан инвойса.
- Примерную дату покупки.

В обмен на эти данные (необходимые MANOLE для каких-то махинаций против Raskal-я), он обещает возобновить поддержку для этого S/N BB5Box.