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Тема: List of Supported phones by Infinity-Box

  1. #1
    Уволен .
    Благодарностей: 66 (сообщений: 55)

    По умолчанию List of Supported phones by Infinity-Box

    Aiko: 17G, 51G, 52G
    Airam: M342
    Airness: Air99, MK99
    Airtel: Cordless_FGD8900
    AK-Mobile: AK760i
    Alcatel: E15x_16x_25x, OT152
    Amstrad: S288
    Anycall: 1689, other
    Anycool: D1200, D1210, D66, D66+, other
    Asus: V75, V80
    Audiovox: GPRS748, GSM609
    AUX-Mobile: M780, M855, M868, Z33, other
    Avivo: 1950g, 1960g
    BenQ-Siemens: A38, A500, C71A, CF61, CL71, E61, EF51, EF61, EF71, M100, M220, M300, M305, M315, M350, M580, S700, S80, S82, S88, SFG75
    Bird: D611, D612, D630, D650, D660, D670, D706, D716, D720, D730, D736, S1120, S1180C, S1186, S198, S199, S288, S299, S570, S688, S788, V09, V10, other
    BLCOM: V8, other
    Bleu: 251s, 251x, 550x, 551x, 651x, 651Z
    Bluetooth: 2600, 2640, 337, 339, 349, 526, 536, 626, 6688, 6888, 6889, 808, 888, 998, 999, C800, C8000, C8800, C92, C98, E70, E78, K320, K328, K400, K440, N77, N78, N79, N79C, N82, N83, N8600, N91, N95, N97, V648, other
    BMW: A8, other
    Camry: V138, other
    Cect: 3360, 505, 6300R, 6600, 668, 808, 8100, 8110+, 838+, 8380, 8380-PDA, 858, 860, 8800, 888+, 9988, A1600, A1800, A520, A606, A666, B8, C2000, C3000, C3000c, C600, C6111, C8000, C8200, C8220, C8400, C8600, C9900, D120, D122, D240, D242, D900, E591, E680, E680i, E818, I530, i658, i70, K328, K808, K86, L2000+, L2200+, M1818, M1818-PDA, M530, M8600, M901, N1000, N168, N1818, N518, N528, N538, N548, N73, N788, N81, N82, N84, N85, N87, N95, N95-PDA, O2R, P168, P8100, P8100+, P8300, P9100, Q300, Q300A, Q300C, Q302, Q306, Q380, Q500, Q500-2sim, Q600, Q610, Q618, Q618-2sim-PDA, Q800, Q86, S500, S500-O2S, S500-PDA, S500-PDA-02Mini-3D-Sound, S510, S560, S560-MPEG5, S588, S800+, T410, T520, T590, T688i, T688i-2sim, T688-PDA, T689, T718, U880, U8800, U8810, U90, V180, V3, V4, V400, V480, V490, V5, V6, V668, V7, V8, V9, V90, V909, V919, V92, V929, Y809, other
    Chinese-Motorola: A1200, A606, K1, V230, V3, V33, V333, V336, V666, other
    Chinese-Nec: 1000i, other
    Chinese-Nokia: 3230, 3230C, 3250, 3280, 3680, 5200, 5310, 5700, 5700+, 5710, 5720, 6118, 6128, 6131i, 6200, 6280, 6280i, 6288, 6288-PDA, 6300, 6300C, 6300i, 6300-Q7, 6300r, 6300y, 6500, 6621, 6680, 6681, 6700i, 6708, 6808, 7260, 7380, 7390, 8030, 8030-2sim, 8800, 8800+, 8800A, 8800i, 8800S, 8800-Sirocco, 8830, 9900, C92, C93, E60, E60i, E60-PDA, E89, E95, M5700+, M77, N1000, N151, N153, N157, N177, N288, N290, N303, N321, N39, N4, N50, N52, N52i, N54, N57, N57i, N57i-2sim, N600, N606, N608, N616, N618, N66, N66-2sim, N666i, N668, N66i, N67, N67i, N68, N688, N688i, N7, N70, N70C, N70i, N72, N72i, N73, N730, N73-2sim, N73C, N73C-2sim, N73D, N73G, N73i, N73L, N73-music-edition, N73-PDA, N75, N77, N777, N777i, N77i, N78, N78-2sim, N788, N78s, N79, N80, N800, N81, N82, N8201, N82i, N83, N83c, N83i, N84, N84i, N85, N85i, N86, N86i, N87, N87c, N87i, N88, N8800, N8800L, N888, N8888, N88A, N88c, N88i, N88s, N89, N9, N90, N900, N90i, N90s, N91, N91i, N91i-TV, N92, N92G, N92i, N9-2sim, N93i, N93i-2sim, N94, N94i, N94s, N95, N95+, N95-2sim, N95C, N95i, N95i-2sim-music-edition, N95i-slider, N95-PDA, N95s, N95S-2sim, N95-slider, N96, N96i, N96i-2sim, N96-PDA, N97i, N98, N98G, N98i, N98i-TV, N98K, N99, N990, N99-2sim, N99B, N99i, N99N, O3-838, Q7, Q7+, S89, T98, TV5, TV7, V8800, Veptu, Vertu, VT1300, other
    Chinese-Other: 2GSM, 338, 838+, 9900, A308, A380, A68, A706, A900, A930+, A950, A968, B889, C600, Gionee, K188, K3288, K808, K915, K916, L7, L8000, L8080, L999, MK168, MStar, N100, PDA-328, PDA-6688, PDA-W726, S760+, S760TV, S780+, T158, V168, V333, V628, V668, V9, VS400, W726-PDA, Y690, YZ09, ZH6688, ZS89, ZT320, ZT321, other
    Chinese-PDA: D328, other
    Chinese-Pocket-PC: 1688-2sim, other
    Chinese-Samsung: A838, D500i, D520i, D600i, D800, D820, D828, D860i, D900, D958, E680, E700, E708, E708+, E712D, E730, E730+, E730C, E738, E760i, E900, Q101, X180, X810, X810+, other
    Chinese-Sharp: P810, other
    Chinese-Sony-Ericsson: K288, K750, K750C, K750i, K758, K790i, K800, K800i, K808, K809, P800, P990i, V666, V700, W610i, W660, W700, W800, W800i, W880i, other
    Chinese-Vertu: Royal, V1, other
    Chiva: LM718, ST319, UK598, other
    Cosun: 289, 512, C512, N73i, other
    Cyber-Shot: E860, other
    Daewoo: D600, other
    DBTel: J6
    Dirland: E307, P708
    Dubao: 758, 777, other
    Easycall: 6600, other
    Elitek: GT101YN, other
    Elson: E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900
    Emblaze: Sting6, Touch7
    Enteos: i-BD620
    Everfo: E32, E591, E711D, E713D, E730, E863, E866, E911, E912, E927, E941, other
    Ezio: E300, E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900, other
    Fly: 2040, 2040i, 2060, 2080, FT10, M100, MP220, MP300, MP400, MP500, MP600, MX200, MX200i, MX230, MX300, MX330, SL200, SL300m, SL400m, SL500i, SL500m, SL600, SL600-Vodafone, SX210, SX240, SX300, V40, V50, X3, X7, Z200, Z300, Z300a, Z400, Z500
    FUN: N73, other
    Gaoxinqi: A818, other
    GeneralMobile: DST10, other
    GEO: G1, GV500, Gv880
    G-net: G409-mini, other
    Gradiente: GC300, GF500, GF760, GF910, GF910i, GF930, GF930i, GF950, GF970, Vibe
    G-Star: 618, G2, G6, G851, GM108, GM128, GM208, GM209, GM238, GM308, GM318, GM328, GM329, GM338, GM508, GM528, GM608, GM618, GM618-Slim, GM809, GM851, GM896, GM896M, other
    GT-Mobile: 1268, 1400, 450, TV100, other
    Haier: Z1000
    Holleycomm: H3270, other
    Huawei: C2205, C2285
    Huayu: K888, other
    Hutch: Usha-Laxus
    Hyundai: H350, L480, MP318, MP510, MP718, MP728, MP738
    I-Mobile: 100, 301, 306, 308, 313, 508, 510, 511, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 608, 609, 609i, 610, 611, 901, 902, BlackIce, other
    Infinity: 5800-2sim, Q500, S380, other
    ITel: IT600, other
    Kaiqi: N107, other
    Kejian: K508, M680, other
    Kenuo: KN-D8, other
    Kifung: S108, other
    Kingpo: E302, other
    Kinlong: K228i, K288+, other
    KLoong: A913, E714, E718, other
    KN-Mobile: KN200, KN300, KN310, KN400, KN500
    Konka: A26M, C636, C926, C966, D163, D225, EC001, M910
    KTech: 8020, 8030, N8899, other
    KTouch: B718, B922, B923, B938, other
    Leady: GT6107, X501, other
    Lenovo: E300, E307, P708, P710, V707
    LG: B2050, B2060, B2070, B2100, C1100, C1150, C2200, C2500, C2600, C3300, C3320, C3400, G1800, KG110, KG120, KG130, KG190, KG200, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG280, KG300, KG320, KP200, KP202, L342i, L343i, MG101, MG110, MG120, MG160, MG161, MG225, MG230, MG280, MG320
    Lion: 7, other
    Luxury: G851, other
    Malata: Lopp-P07, M696, other
    Maximus: EX60, other
    Medion: 2860, MD-95100
    Motorola: C113(a), C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C119, C121, C122, C123, C136, C138, C139, C140, C141c, C155, C156, C157, C168, C168i, C257, C261, E365, F3, V170, V171, V172, V173, V175, V176, V177, V690, V872, V878, W150, W150i, W170, W170C, W200, W205, W208, W209, W210, W220, W355, W370, W375
    MP4: 2000, 6188, O2-mini, O2R, O2S, O2S-Dopod, PDA-K18, other
    MPEG4: 2000, 3000, 3200, 3210, 3300, 3320, 4000, 4100, A968, other
    MTV: N73, other
    My_Way: MW100
    Narnia: 8088, V6, other
    Nckia: E95, M5700, M5700+, other
    Nec: E101, E121, E122, N200, N208, N342i, N343i, N344i, N650i, N910, N916, N917, N919
    Nerys: N330
    NewGen: C1000, C610, C620, C710, C800, E1000, E1100, E1200, Mars, S410, T1000
    Nex: Mini, other
    Noca: T856, T856-W88-PDA, other
    Nokia: 1255
    Nokla: E90, N73-PDA, N77, N95, other
    O2: Jet(J1), O2X1B, O2X1I, O2X2i, O2X3, O2X4, O2X7, O2XLI
    O3: 818, 838, other
    Omnipotence: Micky, other
    Orange: TR1
    Panasonic: A100, A101, A102, A200, A210, A500, G50, G51E, G51M, G60, G70, GD55, GD67, GD68, MX6, MX7, SA6, SA7, SC3, VS2, VS3, VS6, VS7, X100, X200, X300, X400, X500, X60, X66, X68, X70, X700, X701, X77
    Pantech: C120, C3, G3900, G800, G900, GB300, PG-1000, PG-1200, PG-1210, PG-1400, PG-1410, PG-1500, PG-3000, PG-3200, PG-3210, PG-3500, PG-3600, PG-6100, PG-C300, PN210
    Philips: 390, 568, 768, 960, S200, S220, S660, S800, S890
    Porsche: Cayenne, other
    RedStar: 902-TV, other
    Rex: P990, other
    Sambao: N95, other
    Samsung: C140, C140i, C260, C260M, C266, C300, E900, X120, X140
    Sands: A203, A303, A303i, P908, other
    Sanxing: E415, E70, E78, V52, other
    Sanyo: S750
    Schauen: N16, other
    SED: 838+, 950, B908, S1000, V628, V630, V638, V639, X688, X688-2sim, X689, X716, X827, X941, Y690, other
    Siemens: AP75, CFX65, CL75, SFG75, ST55, ST60
    Simoco: SM377, other
    Sitronics: SM8190, SM8290
    Skyzen: EZ300, EZ400, EZ500, EZ600, EZ800
    Smarj: S70, other
    Smart: G831, G850, V800, other
    Song: A168, other
    Sony-Ericsson: J100(i), J110i, J120i, K200i, K220i, K310, K320, K510, K550, K60x, K610, K618, K750, K758, K790, K800, K810, S500, V600, V630, W200, W300, W550, W580, W600, W610, W660, W700, W710, W800, W810, W830, W850, W880, W888, W900, Z310, Z520, Z525, Z530, Z550, Z558, Z610, Z710
    Spice: D88, S400, S404, S404N, S410, S450, S5, S500, S530, S540, S555, S600, S640, S8, S800, S900, S920
    Sprint: 7700, other
    Sucee-Tong: 998, other
    Sunforce: K600, K600i, K800, K800i, other
    Suny-ericssom: Cyber-shot-P999, other
    Swatch: M300, other
    Swatch-Mobile: M300, other
    TCL: 3188+, 3188M, 3188U, 718, 728, 738, D659, E330, GQ05, M361, M388, M530, M580, M586, M819, Q510, Q515, Q550, T106, T108, T550, T558, T766, T939, U58, U80, V18, V6, other
    Tecno: D100, M280, T600, T800, V410, V500, V801, X200, X200i, X210, other
    Telsda: 319, 319+, 349, TS617, TS627, TS637, other
    Tevion: MD96110
    Thomson: TN320, TN710
    Tianyu: A699, other
    Toshiba: TS10, TS30, TS608
    Trend: T100, T181, T200, other
    UCOO: U38, other
    Usha: Laxus
    UTstarcom: GPRS748, GPRS758, GPRS778, GPRS779, GSM708, GSM718, GSM719
    Veptu: 8088, other
    Virgin_Lobster: Lobster-485, Lobster-544, Lobster-575, MicroSnapper
    Vitel: TSM1, TSM2, TSM3, TSM4, TSM5m, TSM6
    VK-Mobile: VG207, VK200, VK200_unlock, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK207i, VK3100, VK4000, VK4500, VK500, VK518, VK520, VK530, VK540, VK550, VK560, VK570, VK580, VK700, VK800, VK900
    Voxtel: 3iD, BD50, BD60, RX11, RX600, RX800, V350, V500, VS600, VS800
    XED: X689, other
    Xingtai: 338, other
    XTelecom: X3128, other
    Xunchi: 138, other
    Zetta: A10
    Zonda: G1840, G1860, G1880
    ZT: 2688, 303, 6618, 6668, other
    ZTC: 168, 169, 268, 588, 660, 6618, 663, 6688, A168, A231, A281, A287, A5, A818, A838, A990, D1100, D1110, D1112, D1117, D1120, D1200, D828, E550, F1, H18, H668, H688, IP9300, M608, M618, N328, N328-blueteech, N329, P8500, S508, S508+, T88, ZT009, ZT018, ZT019, ZT11, ZT168, ZT169, ZT199, ZT2688, ZT303, ZT321, ZT508, ZT528, ZT5680, ZT5688, ZT580, ZT588, ZT588+, ZT6618, ZT6668, ZT6688, ZT6698, ZT6699, ZT8008, ZT8088, ZT8089, ZT8828, ZT8828+, ZT8886, ZT8898, ZT89, ZT890, ZT898, ZT918, ZT988, ZT999, ZTN329, ZTS508, other
    ZTE: 201, 2010, 202, 203, 204, 225, 7310, 7610, A12+, A35, A37, A80
    Other "Chinese" brands/models supported.
    Special unique feature: repair killed with other tools (can't power-on after wrong flashing) Chinese MT6226, MT6227 models via ASK2RPL service !
    Detailed description of supported models/functions: Infinity BOX

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Аватар для Sammuel
    Благодарностей: 19 (сообщений: 12)

    По умолчанию

    Текущий список предусмотренных моделей:

    Aiko: 17G, 51G, 52G, 78G
    Airam: M342
    Airness: Air99, MK99, Slide99
    Airtel: Avvio-G200, Cordless_FGD8900, Telular
    Ajanta: Quartz, other
    AK-Mobile: AK760i, AK900
    Alcatel: C700A, C700X, C701A, C701X, C707X, C717A, C717X, C820A, C825X, E100x, E101, E15x_16x_25x, E201, E207, E221, E227, Elle-N3A, Elle-N3X, Lava, Mandarina-Duck, OT152, S107, S120, S210, S211, S319X, S320X, S520A, S520X, S521A, S521X, S621A, S621X, V212, V212C, V270, V670A, V770A, V770X
    Altrec: C200, other
    Amstrad: S288
    Amycool: D66+, other
    Anycall: 1689, 2619, D900, i718, i738, S628, other
    Anycool: 629, 6300, D1200, D1210, D66, D66+, F818, T808, T808-TV-Phone, T818, T838, other
    Anylink: 6500, N99i, other
    AOTE: 660, F9+, M660, other
    Apole: IP9300, other
    ARA: A818, other
    Arte: 8600e, other
    Asus: J206, J208, V66, V75, V80, other
    Atan: M760, M760-Music-Phone, other
    Audiovox: GPRS748, GSM609
    AUX-Mobile: M780, M855, M868, Z33, other
    Avivo: 1950g, 1960g
    Avvio: 103A, 203A, G200
    Awang: A828, other
    Baizhao: S8958, other
    Bak: BK-MP77, BK-MT77, other
    Basicom: M-Star, other
    BBK: S202, other
    Beetel: EC003, EC005
    BenQ-Siemens: A38, A500, A53, C30, C71A, CF51, CF61, CL71, E61, EF51, EF61, EF71, M100, M220, M300, M305, M315, M350, M580, S660C, S700, S80, S81, S82, S88, SFG75, T33, T51, Z2, other
    Best: D2000, D2000+, other
    Bestel: D5000, D5000+, other
    Beyond: B530-SL71, B555, B818, other
    Bird: D515A, D611, D612, D615, D630, D650, D660, D670, D706, D716, D720, D730, D736, F501A, S1120, S1180C, S1186, S198, S199, S288, S299, S570, S688, S699, S701, S788, V09, V10, V5518+, V620, V708, V750, V788, other
    Blacklable: VVV363, other
    BLCOM: V8, other
    Bleu: 151x, 245x, 251s, 251x, 255x, 351x, 354x, 355x, 453x, 466x, 471x, 476x, 550x, 551x, 555x, 651x, 651Z
    Bliss: D108, D208, V98, other
    Bluetooth: 2600, 2640, 337, 339, 349, 526, 536, 626, 6500s, 6688, 6888, 6889, 808, 868, 888, 8928, 900, 900+, 911, 912, 998, 999, A20P, A5, B889, C800, C8000, C8800, C92, C98, D18, E588, E70, E78, G366, G368, JD2008, K320, K328, K400, K440, K799, KN-D9, L831, LV918, N77, N78, N79, N79C, N82, N83, N8600, N91, N95, N958, N97, N99i-TV, S30, Slim, TC-168, V168, V21, V648, Y138, Y139, Y690, ZT588, other
    BMW: A8, other
    Bolo: C62, C68
    Bonmi: F430, other
    Bossh: B70, D96M, other
    Bost-Mobile: D615
    BSNL: EC005, G200CF
    Camry: V138, other
    Capitel: P600, other
    Cect: 1088, 1280SM, 199, 2000, 3360, 505, 599, 6300i, 6300R, 6600, 668, 688C, 688i, 689C, 689i, 808, 8100, 8110+, 838+, 8380, 8380-PDA, 8380-TV-OUT, 858, 860, 8800, 8808, 888, 888+, 9898, 9988, A008, A1600, A1800, A1818, A2000, A520, A606, A666, A6668, B8, C1000, C1000i, C2000, C2000D, C3000, C3000c, C5000, C600, C6111, C8000, C8200, C8220, C827, C828, C829, C8400, C8600, C92+, C9900, D120, D122, D240, D242, D900, E591, E65, E65C, E65i, E680, E680i, E808, E818, F1200, F16, F22, G928, GP9000, H6628, I530, i658, i70, K300, K300+, K328, K630, K7800, K808, K818, K828, K838, K838+, K86, K915+, KG98, L2000+, L2200+, LM398, LT-X3, LV918, M1818, M1818-PDA, M520, M530, M8600, M901, N1000, N168, N1818, N518, N528, N538, N548, N618, N618+, N618c, N6298, N6500, N6500+, N73, N73-1, N73i, N788, N81, N81+, N81c, N82, N84, N85, N87, N95, N95-PDA, N98, N99+, O2R, P168, P30, P3711, P3711i, P3714, P3715, P603, P8100, P8100+, P8300, P8400, P9100, Q300, Q300A, Q300C, Q302, Q306, Q380, Q500, Q500-2sim, Q500BT, Q558, Q600, Q610, Q618, Q618-2sim-PDA, Q638, Q800, Q86, S500, S500-O2S, S500-PDA, S500-PDA-02Mini-3D-Sound, S510, S560, S560-MPEG5, S567, S580, S588, S800, S800+, ST500, T1, T100, T410, T520, T590, T6688+, T678, T688i, T688i-2sim, T688-PDA, T689, T718, T830, T888, T910, T918-WatchPhone, T999, T999+, TV60, U880, U8800, U8810, U90, U92, V180, V200, V23, V23i, V3, V4, V400, V480, V490, V5, V6, V658D, V668, V6688, V68, V69, V7, V8, V8008, V9, V90, V909, V919, V92, V929, V939, V98, X768, X768-GSM-CDMA, Y200, Y690, Y767, Y809, ZP-S560, ZT-V8, other
    Century: Piooner-B889+, other
    Cert: V400, other
    Cesim: CG400, V30, V470, V480, other
    Changhong: A330, M838, other
    ChinaStar: C507, other
    Chinese-iPhone: A38, A380, A39, A8+, A9, ES350, i9, P168, P168+, W888i, other
    Chinese-iPod: A380, other
    Chinese-Motorola: 400, A1200, A606, K1, L7+, V230, V3, V33, V333, V336, V666, other
    Chinese-Nec: 1000i, N150, N158, N880, N880i, N99, other
    Chinese-Nokia: 1110i, 1111, 1112, 1112i, 1600, 3230, 3230C, 3250, 3280, 3680, 5200, 5300, 5300i, 5310, 5310-NMM-3, 5310XM, 5700, 5700+, 5710, 5720, 6110, 6118, 6120, 6120C, 6120i, 6128, 6131i, 6200, 6233i, 6275, 6276, 6280, 6280i, 6288, 6288-PDA, 6300, 6300C, 6300i, 6300-Q7, 6300-Q7+, 6300r, 6300-RM-217, 6300y, 6500, 6500+, 6621, 6680, 6681, 6700i, 6708, 6808, 7260, 7380, 7390, 7500, 8003, 8030, 8030-2sim, 808, 8600, 8600d, 8800, 8800+, 8800A, 8800-Arte, 8800e, 8800e-1, 8800e-Arte, 8800i, 8800S, 8800-Sirocco, 8830, 9900, A6+, A606, Arte-8800, BB7, BB7+, C60i, C85, C88, C88i, C92, C93, E50, E60, E60i, E60-PDA, E65, E65i, E68, E86, E89, E8-Touchpanel, E95, F69, GC690, HT508, K288, K288-MPEG4, K915+, M5700+, M77, M9, M90+, N1000, N12, N129, N135, N151, N153, N157, N177, N203, N203i, N204, N204i, N207, N207i, N22, N26, N28, N288, N28i, N290, N303, N321, N366, N366i, N368, N39, N4, N41, N5, N50, N500, N52, N52i, N54, N55, N56, N57, N57i, N57i-2sim, N600, N606, N608, N616, N618, N618+, N6500, N658, N66, N66-2sim, N666i, N668, N66C, N66i, N66L, N67, N67i, N68, N688, N688i, N689, N7, N70, N70C, N70DK, N70i, N70-TVphone, N71i, N72, N72i, N72L, N73, N730, N73-2sim, N73C, N73C-2sim, N73D, N73F, N73G, N73i, N73L, N73-music-edition, N73-PDA, N74c, N75, N750, N75c, N75i, N76, N76c, N76i, N77, N771, N772, N777, N777i, N77i, N78, N78-2sim, N788, N78s, N79, N7i, N80, N800, N8003, N81, N81i, N82, N82_20pin, N8201, N820i, N82i, N83, N83c, N83i, N84, N84i, N85, N85i, N86, N8600, N8600-Luna, N86i, N87, N87c, N87i, N88, N8800, N8800L, N888, N8888, N88A, N88c, N88i, N88s, N89, N9, N90, N900, N900i-2sim, N903, N903i, N905, N905i, N90i, N90s, N91, N915+, N91A, N91i, N91i-TV, N92, N920i-2sim, N922i-2sim, N927i-2sim, N92G, N92i, N9-2sim, N93i, N93i-2sim, N93i-TV, N94, N94i, N94s, N95, N95+, N95-2sim, N95-8G, N95-B10, N95C, N95e, N95i, N95i-2sim-music-edition, N95i-slider, N95i-TV, N95-PDA, N95s, N95S-2sim, N95-slider, N95-TV, N96, N96i, N96i-2sim, N96-PDA, N972, N973, N97i, N97k, N98, N98G, N98i, N98i-TV, N98i-Visoa, N98K, N99, N990, N99-2sim, N99B, N99i, N99N, N9s, O3-838, Q2R, Q7, Q7+, RH-73, S728, S89, T158, T57, T58, T98, TV1100, TV2200, TV5, TV5188, TV690, TV7, TV8800, TV90, TV98, V23, V230, V25, V27, V400, V8800, V95, V96, V98, Veptu, Vertu, VT1300, VT9, other
    Chinese-Other: 2928, 2GSM, 3188, 338, 3D-Sound-V23, 3GSM, 6500s, 736, 808, 818, 828, 829, 838+, 9900, A108, A1168, A1308, A2000, A203, A20P, A2198, A308, A380, A628, A666, A68, A7+, A706, A8+, A818, A898, A900, A930+, A950, A960, A968, B889, BT888, C600, D820, D900, DVD, F698, F838, Ferrari, G618, Gionee, GM259, H668, H688, H689, i1000, i1100, iPhone, K188, K3288, K588, K589, K666, K808, K888, K915, K916, L7, L8000, L8080, L999, LT-X1, LT-X5, Luna, LV918, M2210, M777, M8800, M905, M910, MK168, Mobile-2007, MStar, N100, N203, N203-K1, N328-GSM+CDMA, N600, N6555, N69, N77, N880, Navigator, P990, P990i, PDA-328, PDA-6688, PDA-W726, Perfect-2g, PowerPack-TC-2GSM, S2199, S68, S728, S760+, S760TV, S780+, S808, SE318, SE818, Sonic, SuperFone, T158, T63, T67, T678, T69, T698, T69i, T788A, T88, T89, TV1100i, TV12, TV2009i, TV55, TV628, TV690, TV886, TV9, TV90, TVN95, TZ-Y500, V100, V168, V333, V628, V660, V668, V68, V800, V807, V808, V9, V918, VS400, W726, W726-PDA, W726-PDA-2sim, WatchPhone, X909, X-SLIM, Y500, Y600, Y690, YZ09, Z100, ZH6688, ZS89, ZT320, ZT321, other
    Chinese-PDA: 520, 520+, 628, 628i, 6680, 6681, 8810i, 8850i, A1196, B889, D328, E590, E591, E592, L5688, Mobile-T88, MP4, MPEG4, T88, TV-Mobile-A9000, V13, X2, X3, other
    Chinese-Pocket-PC: 1688-2sim, 6600, N77, N78, N87, N95, N95i, N99, other
    Chinese-Samsung: A838, D500i, D520i, D600i, D800, D820, D828, D828+, D829, D860i, D900, D900+, D900i, D920, D958, E680, E700, E708, E708+, E712D, E730, E730+, E730C, E738, E760i, E900, F300, i788, i888, Q101, SGH-629, X180, X810, X810+, other
    Chinese-Sharp: P810, other
    Chinese-SharpV: P810, other
    Chinese-Sony-Ericsson: A580, K288, K750, K750C, K750i, K758, K790i, K800, K800i, K808, K809, K810, K810i, M61, P800, P990i, T650i, V666, V700, W580, W610i, W660, W700, W800, W800i, W880i, Z610i, other
    Chinese-Spreadtrum: SC6600M
    Chinese-Toshiba: V10++, other
    Chinese-Vertu: 998, Ascent, Ascent-Ferrari, Ascent-I, Ascent-Indeanapolis, Ascent-Ti-RM-267v, Constellation, LY-8088, Narnia-V6-Mini, Royal, Royal-R1, Signature, Titanium, V1, other
    Chiva: LM718, ST319, UK598, other
    CKing: 339, other
    Coral: 100, 200, 300, 500
    Cosun: 289, 512, 8266, 8988, C512, N73i, other
    Cyber-Shot: E860, other
    Cyfon: C800i, other
    Cynix: D28, other
    Daewoo: D600, other
    Daxian: 8100, C8100, J6, X3000, X728, X756, X799, X960, X960-FM, X999, other
    DBTel: J6
    Desay: K618, L608, M523, M888, N618+, N618i, other
    Dfashion: Z3, other
    Digibee: BSNL-G200CF
    Digital: C500, other
    Dirland: E307, M881, P708, R100, X410, other
    Dopodo: C95, C97, C99, C99+, other
    Dorado: D890, other
    Doro: HandleEasy-328gsm
    Dsney: M6, N8, Q7, other
    Dubao: 558, 728, 728+, 738, 758, 768, 768+, 777, other
    DVD: S618, other
    DV-Phone: V93i, other
    Easycall: 6600, other
    Elenberg: MT320, MT520, other
    Elitek: GT101YN, other
    Eliya: S168, other
    Elson: E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900
    Emblaze: Sting6, Touch7
    Enimac: MQ8200, other
    Enteos: i-BD620
    Epoda: EP2502, other
    E-Top: S30, other
    E-Touch: 1133i
    Everfo: 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604, E2211+, E32, E591, E711D, E713D, E730, E863, E866, E911, E912, E927, E941, other
    Evertek: X90, other
    Ezio: E300, E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900, other
    Ferrari: F1, HC668, LV2008, other
    Fly: 2040, 2040i, 2040L, 2060, 2080, B600, B700, E100, E300, FT10, Hi-SLDR, Hummer-HT1, Levis-LV1, LX600, LX610, LX800, M100, M130, MC100, MP100, MP220, MP300, MP400, MP500, MP600, MX200, MX200i, MX230, MX300, MX330, SL100, SL200, SL300m, SL399E, SL400m, SL500i, SL500m, SL600, SL600-Vodafone, SLT100, SX100, SX200, SX210, SX215, SX220, SX240, SX300, SX305, SX310, SX315, V100, V40, V50, V60, X3, X7, X7a, Z200, Z300, Z300a, Z400, Z500
    Flying: F67, F800, F826, F900, other
    Fory: F288, other
    Foston: FS-836B, FS-868B, PDA, other
    Fujistar: FT-1011, other
    FUN: N73, N77, N78, N95, other
    Game: 5300, other
    Gaoxinqi: A818, E908, E908i, GXQ-F896, GXQ-N358, other
    GeneralMobile: DST01, DST10, DST11, G333, other
    GEO: G1, GV500, Gv880
    Getek: TK806, TK808, other
    Gionee: A10-TV, A830, L7, L8, V5600, V890, other
    Giorgio: Arnan-F8, other
    GMobile: T68, other
    G-net: G409-mini, other
    Goldvish: Signature-RHV-2, Signature-TRGH-8, other
    GPS-Mobile: K3288, other
    Gradiente: GC300, GF500, GF760, GF910, GF910i, GF930, GF930i, GF950, GF970, Vibe
    GSmax: GS868, other
    G-Star: 618, 808, G2, G6, G851, GM108, GM128, GM208, GM209, GM238, GM308, GM318, GM328, GM329, GM338, GM508, GM528, GM608, GM618, GM618-Slim, GM809, GM851, GM896, GM896M, other
    G-Tide: W110
    GT-Mobile: 1268, 1400, 450, i1268, M300, M920, TV100, other
    Gtran: N120, N150
    Gucci: G600, G668, other
    Hagenuk: Jazz
    Haier: G111, HG-A8, M300, M500, S210, Z1000
    Hantel: 6088, D1838, E860, H168, H625, HT6600, HT8388, Send-Y500, other
    HiPhone: V188, other
    Hisong: M920, other
    Hitech: H31, H38, H382, H39, H55, H61, M21, other
    Holleycomm: H3101, H3260, H3270, other
    HTC: A288, TouchFLO-P3452, other
    Huawei: C2205, C2285, C506, T128, T156, T158, T161L, T201
    Huaxiang: N800, other
    Huaxi-Ang: N800, other
    Huayu: CM336, CM618, FT688, G688, K888, M818, P30, V928, other
    HUG: Q88i, other
    Hutch: Usha-Laxus
    Hyundai: H350, L480, MB-115, MP318, MP510, MP718, MP728, MP738, MP880, W100, other
    iFOE: P168+, other
    IMax: C82, other
    I-Mobile: 100, 301, 306, 308, 313, 315, 318, 508, 510, 511, 516, 518, 520, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 608, 609, 609i, 610, 611, 901, 902, 903, BlackIce, CE0680, CE0889, CX-K809, other
    Infinity: 5800-2sim, Q500, S380, other
    Innostream: Inno-900, other
    ITel: C8000, IT600, IT700, other
    i-TV: V10, other
    JiaXing: N95, other
    JingCheng: JC666S, other
    JinPeng: 8188, 8190, 8198, A7522, E1088, E88, other
    J-Max: F10, J-Diamond, JM5700, Saxy, other
    JNC: MX8, other
    Jugate: Z-AD928, other
    Kaiqi: N107, other
    Kedaq: Q191, other
    Kejian: K508, M680, other
    Kenuo: KN-76D, KN-A75D, KN-D8, KN-D9, N750, other
    Kiech: N8899, other
    Kifung: S108, other
    Kingpo: E302, E320, E733, other
    Kinlong: K228i, K288+, N96, other
    Kisen: F350, P83, other
    Kitty: 318, other
    KLoong: A913, E714, E718, other
    KN-Mobile: KN200, KN300, KN310, KN400, KN500
    Konka: A26M, A76, A76FM, C623, C625, C636, C676, C926, C966, D163, D225, D363, EC001, EC003, M520, M910
    Kotka: E90, other
    KTech: 8020, 8030, 8030i, N8899, other
    KTouch: A5118, A615, A650, B718, B830, B922, B923, B938, D700, D702, S515, other
    K-Touch: A615, V908, other
    KXD: 001, 012, other
    Kyocera: E2500, S1600
    Laise: N99, other
    Leady: C506, GT6107, MM10, MM95, X105, X501, other
    Lenovo: E300, E307, i706, i908, P618, P708, P710, V707, V800, other
    LG: 300G, B2000, B2050, B2060, B2070, B2100, B2150, B2250, C1100, C1150, C1200, C2200, C2500, C2600, C3300, C3310, C3320, C3400, F2400, G1800, KE260, KE600, KE770, KE800, KE820, KE850, KE970, KF600, KG110, KG120, KG130, KG180, KG190, KG195, KG200, KG208, KG210, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG245, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG280, KG285, KG288, KG289, KG290, KG291i, KG295, KG296, KG300, KG320, KG370, KG375, KG70, KG90N, KP100, KP105, KP106, KP110, KP115, KP130, KP135, KP199, KP200, KP202, KP202i, KP215, KP220, KP230, KP235, L342i, L343i, ME770, ME850, ME970, MG100, MG101, MG105, MG110, MG120, MG125, MG160, MG161, MG165, MG170, MG180, MG225, MG230, MG235, MG280, MG296, MG320, MG370
    Libercell: KT400, KT500, KT8800
    Life: DST01
    Lion: 7, other
    Lobster: 485, 544, 575
    LongXing: M3, other
    Louis-Yuitton: T658, other
    LUNA: 8600, 8600d, N688, other
    Luxury: G851, other
    LX-Mobile: 007, TV, other
    Magicon-Harmony: MG901, other
    Malata: Lopp-P07, M696, MZ280, T256, other
    Maximus: EX60, MX100, other
    Medion: 2860, MD-95100
    Metom: MT309, N81, N87, N89, other
    Mex: MX14BS, N95, other
    Micromax: 511x, X1u, other
    Mini: G89, other
    Mito: 288GG, other
    Mobility: NG1
    Modelabs: Airness-Slide99, MyWay-Slim, V-Slide, V-Touch
    Moille: ZTC-ZT588, other
    Motorola: C113(a), C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C119, C121, C122, C123, C136, C137, C138, C139, C140, C141c, C155, C156, C157, C168, C168i, C257, C261, E365, F3, F3-unlock, V170, V171, V172, V173, V175, V176, V177, V690, V872, V878, W150, W150i, W170, W170C, W200, W205, W208, W209, W210, W212, W215, W218, W220, W355, W370, W375, W376, W377
    Moviephone: FA6, other
    MP4: 2000, 6188, O2-mini, O2R, O2S, O2S-Dopod, PDA-K18, other
    MPEG4: 2000, 3000, 3200, 3210, 3300, 3320, 4000, 4100, A968, K1, P888, T698, other
    MTK: MT228, other
    MTV: N73, N97, N99, other
    Muzak: N88, other
    My_Way: Modelabs-Slim, MW100, MW200
    MyPhone: B22, B23, S21, T11, T22, T22-Duo, T52, other
    Narnia: 8088, V6, other
    NCBC: DFH688, other
    Nckia: E95, M5700, M5700+, N77, N77i, XpressMusic-5610S, other
    Nec: E101, E121, E122, N200, N208, N342i, N343i, N344i, N650i, N910, N916, N917, N919
    NECcom: A0078, N880, other
    Nerys: N330
    NewGen: C1000, C610, C620, C650, C710, C800, E1000, E1100, E1200, Mars, S410, T1000
    Nex: Mini, other
    Nexian: G500, other
    Next: 809, 809-TV, other
    Nkiac: F168, other
    Nktel: C5000, C8000, K99, N8600, other
    Nobel: V8000, other
    Noca: T856, T856-W88-PDA, other
    Nokia: 1255
    Nokig: N82, other
    Nokla: 1112, D328, E90, E92, N71, N72, N72c, N73-PDA, N77, N78, N79, N95, N95-2sim, N958, N959, N96, N96c, N96i, N97, N98, V98, other
    Nova: N800, other
    Nove: N800, other
    Novo: C501, other
    NTC: MyPhone-S21, MyPhone-T11, other
    O2: Jet(J1), O2X1B, O2X1I, O2X2i, O2X3, O2X4, O2X7, O2XLI
    O3: 818, 828, 829, 838, other
    Oaintel: V88, other
    Obee: 007, 007i, 680, K399, N78, other
    Ocean: F3000, other
    Omnipotence: Micky, other
    Onida: F830, V110, other
    oooooo: C99, other
    Orange: Tokyo, TR1
    Orion: 910DS, other
    Overtech: OT-09, other
    Panasonic: A100, A101, A102, A200, A210, A500, G50, G51E, G51M, G60, G70, GD55, GD67, GD68, MX6, MX7, SA6, SA7, SC3, VS2, VS3, VS6, VS7, X100, X200, X300, X400, X500, X60, X66, X68, X70, X700, X701, X77
    Panasonio: N75, other
    Panda: 2008, 66, 67, Olympic, Olympic-Summer, other
    Pantech: C120, C3, C3B, G3900, G800, G900, GB300, PG-1000, PG-1200, PG-1210, PG-1400, PG-1405, PG-1410, PG-1500, PG-3000, PG-3200, PG-3210, PG-3500, PG-3600, PG-3810, PG-6100, PG-C300, PN210
    Philips: 192, 290, 390, 568, 768, 960, CT7688, S200, S220, S660, S800, S880, S890, Xenium-9@9w
    Phoenix: P2000, other
    PierreCardin: GM118, other
    Porsche: Cayenne, other
    Powerpack: TC-1GSM, TC-2GSM, TC-BT3, TC-BT7, TC-TV-168, TC-TV-178, other
    Privileg: X7, other
    RedStar: 901, 902-TV, 910, other
    Reliance: Classic-7310, Classic-7610
    Rex: P990, other
    Sagem: my150x, my220v, my220x, my225x, my226
    Sambao: N78, N78i, N87, N95, N97, other
    Samd: 900, 908, 918, other
    Sampo: GK8800, other
    Samsking: V11, V12, V21, V21i, other
    Samsong: E318, other
    Samsung: C140, C140i, C260, C260M, C266, C300, E900, X120, X140
    Sands: A203, A203i, A209, A303, A303i, A8, P908, other
    Sanno: 6618, T008, other
    Sansui: V847, V909, V919, V929, other
    Sanxing: E415, E70, E78, V52, other
    Sany-Ericsson: W810i, other
    Sanyo: S750
    Schauen: N16, other
    SCiPhone: i68, other
    SED: 838+, 950, AK606, AK606i, B908, B908-PDA, D968, N08, S1000, SA833, V628, V630, V638, V639, V889, X688, X688-2sim, X689, X698, X716, X827, X941, Y690, other
    SerteC: X3, other
    Seven: DR1, DS2, DS3, DS4, other
    SFR: 111, 195, 227, 228, 231, 341
    Siba: 2632, other
    Siemens: AP75, CFX65, CL75, SFG75, ST55, ST60
    Sigmatel: 6110, S1, S2, S3, S33, S4, S90, T33, T33i, T96, T99, T99i, V88, other
    Simbao: A800, A888, A890, A898, other
    Simoco: SM1000, SM322, SM366, SM377, SM466, SM488, SM498, SM499, SM611, SM633, SM988, SM999, other
    Simtel: MStar, other
    Simtelep: G-Star, Mstar, other
    Sitronics: SM8190, SM8290
    Sky: SK1
    SkyMIX: 100, 300, other
    Skyzen: EZ100, EZ200, EZ300, EZ400, EZ500, EZ600, EZ700, EZ800
    Slym: N718, N728, TV, other
    Smarj: S70, other
    Smart: G831, G850, V555, V555-TwinCamera, V570, V800, V810, V840, other
    Song: A168, W668, other
    SongLive: C2000, other
    Sony-Ericsson: J100(i), J110i, J120i, J121i, J132, K200a, K200i, K205i, K220i, K330, R300, R306, T250i, T280i, T303, Z250a, Z250i, Z320i
    Soon-Ersson: K520i, K530i, K610i, K620i, other
    SouthEast: 818, other
    Spice: D80, D88, D88N, D90, S300, S400, S404, S404N, S410, S415, S450, S5, S500, S525, S530, S535, S540, S545, S555, S570, S600, S600N, S640, S7, S700, S705, S707n, S710, S8, S800, S808, S900, S920, other
    Sprint: 7700, 7710, S60, other
    Startech: ST21i, ST67, other
    StarWorks: M448, other
    Suaahoo: S709, other
    Sucee-Tong: 908, 918, 928, 928i, 998, other
    Sun: N86, N87, N87i, N98, N99, other
    Sunforce: K600, K600i, K800, K800i, other
    Sunrise: T868, other
    Suntec: E592, other
    Suny-ericssom: Cyber-shot-P999, K770, K900, other
    SuperFone: SF-9080, other
    SVA: F08, other
    Swaahoo: S709, S93, S97, other
    Swatch: M300, Nova-N800, other
    Swatch-Mobile: M300, other
    Taixing: D008, other
    Taxco: TX60, other
    TCL: 3188+, 3188M, 3188U, 718, 728, 738, D569, D659, E330, GQ05, M361, M388, M530, M580, M586, M819, Q510, Q515, Q550, T106, T108, T550, T558, T766, T939, U58, U80, V18, V6, other
    Techno: X780i, other
    Tecno: D100, M280, ST600, ST880, T600, T800, T880, V410, V500, V801, V90i, X200, X200i, X210, other
    Telit: T200, T250
    Telsda: 319, 319+, 349, A318D, B1000, E65, KQ108, T090, T915, TS617, TS627, TS637, other
    Tevion: MD96110
    Thomson: TH102, TN320, TN710
    Thrus: D98, other
    Tianyu: A699, S655, other
    Tintele: TT-N1-Black, TT-N1-Gold, other
    Titan: V70, other
    TOCS: C64
    Toshiba: TS10, TS30, TS608
    Toshibo: V8, V9+, other
    Touch: 568, other
    Trend: T100, T101, T181, T200, T500, T786, other
    Trus: D98, other
    TSD: T619, TD630, TS806, other
    UCOO: U38, other
    Ufo: 833, Digital-Mobile, other
    Ultra-Slim: M9, other
    UP-Tec: TV-Mobile, other
    Usha: Laxus
    Usha-Laxus: 777B, 789B, 800B, 828B, 838B, other
    UTstarcom: GPRS568, GPRS748, GPRS758, GPRS778, GPRS779, GSM708, GSM718, GSM719
    VCall: V929, other
    Veon: T10, other
    Veptu: 8088, N888, N888c, N888i, other
    Verykool: i405, i500, i700
    Virgin: Fly-SX200, Lobster-485, Lobster-544, Lobster-575, MicroSnapper, V-Slide, V-Touch
    VirtuV: V989, other
    Vitel: TSM1, TSM2, TSM3, TSM4, TSM5m, TSM6
    VK-Mobile: VG207, VK1500, VK180, VK200, VK200_unlock, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK207i, VK3100, VK4000, VK4500, VK500, VK518, VK520, VK530, VK540, VK550, VK560, VK570, VK580, VK700, VK800, VK900
    Vodafone: 123, 125, 225, 225FM, 226, 226FM, 227, 228
    Voxtel: 1iD, 2iD, 3iD, BD50, BD60, RX11, RX600, RX800, V350, V50, V500, VS600, VS800
    WatchPhone: A007, Apoda, V2, Z5000, Z5100, Z5200, other
    Wellcom: W819, other
    Widetel: WT-T600, other
    XDS: V890, W890, other
    XED: X689, other
    XinBao: 2632, 2638, other
    Xingtai: 338, other
    XTelecom: X3128, X3128+, X9128, X918, other
    XTTel: C3000+, other
    Xunchi: 138, other
    YaXing: E50, V800, V808, other
    Yes-Optus: D736
    Yingtai: TV2000, TV7000, other
    Zetel: N82y, other
    Zetta: A10
    Zoho: V88+, other
    Zonda: 1075, 1085, 1090, 1095, G1840, G1860, G1880, MZ9, N2000
    Zong: A136
    ZT: 2688, 303, 3188, 321, 326, 5188, 579, 588, 6618, 6668, 710, 9198, C92+, K699, N6168, other
    ZTC: 168, 169, 268, 369, 532, 555, 588, 618, 6588, 660, 6618, 6628, 663, 6688, 777, 777i, 778, 818, 8188, 868, A168, A231, A281, A287, A5, A688, A818, A838, A898, A990, C300, C600, D1100, D1110, D1112, D1117, D1120, D1200, D828, DC818, DC888, E550, F1, F16B, F688, F882, F897, H18, H668, H688, IP9300, JC599, K600, K650, K650i, K700, K910, LV918, M608, M618, M98, M99, N100, N101, N107, N328, N328-blueteech, N329, N38, N39, N880, N880+, N95, P8500, Q530, Q531, S508, S508+, S600+, S888, SL88, T118, T518, T58, T63, T63i, T64, T699, T85, T88, TV88, V66, X668, X668+, ZT003, ZT009, ZT018, ZT019, ZT11, ZT123, ZT1588, ZT1598, ZT160, ZT168, ZT1689, ZT169, ZT199, ZT2008, ZT2688, ZT303, ZT3188, ZT321, ZT321-6226, ZT321-6228, ZT321-TVmobile, ZT325, ZT326, ZT33, ZT508, ZT511, ZT5168, ZT5188, ZT528, ZT5680, ZT5688, ZT580, ZT582, ZT588, ZT588+, ZT608, ZT6099, ZT6588, ZT6618, ZT6618-PDA, ZT6628, ZT666, ZT6668, ZT668, ZT6688, ZT6698, ZT6699, ZT678, ZT68, ZT699, ZT710, ZT8008, ZT8088, ZT8089, ZT8099, ZT8118, ZT8188, ZT8380, ZT868, ZT8828, ZT8828+, ZT8886, ZT8898, ZT8899, ZT89, ZT890, ZT8900, ZT898, ZT918, ZT9198, ZT928, ZT9288, ZT968, ZT988, ZT989, ZT999, ZT999e, ZTN329, ZT-N6128, ZTS508, other
    ZTE: 123, 125, 195, 201, 2010, 202, 203, 204, 225, 225FM, 226, 227, 228, 231, 7310, 7610, A12, A12+, A136, A139, A15, A16, A205, A211, A215, A35, A35FM, A36, A37, A39, A61, A62, A62+, A66, A68, A80, C335, C632, Coral-200, F120, H500, WP626

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Аватар для Sammuel
    Благодарностей: 19 (сообщений: 12)

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    Hyundai-MB-115_LCBJ23_07A_PMWY_PCB01_GPRS_MT6223P_S00.LK1FG02 _6_3_1_0T13M1117_M512D_En_Hu
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  4. #4
    Благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0)

    По умолчанию

    Добрый день!
    Подскажите как решить проблему: был сотовый Nokia, скачал с него базу номеров...
    А теперь не знаю как эту базу закачать на H168...
    Хотя закачать то не проблема... Проблема - в какую именно папку!? И так, чтобы эта база не как файл лежажала, а чтобы эта база номеров была именно той, к которой телефон бы обращался постоянно как к рабочей базе, идентифицируя входящий номер и абонента.
    Но т.к. на 168 база расчитана всего на 800 номеров, а у меня она уже с нокии на 500, номеров то хотел спросить: как можно эту базу закачать не в телефон, а на съемную карту памяти, благо я поставил ее на 8 Гб. И так, чтобы с этой карты номера телевонов бы и идентифицировались, как я и указал ранее.
    В таком случае телефон можно было бы набить на десятки тысяч номеров, ну а мне бы хотя бы на 2-3 тысячи для начала...
    Что скажете, кто поможет?!

    Еще вопрос по этому телефону:
    как редактировать окно "группы абонентов": как их переименовывать, как добавлять новые группы абонентов?

    И еще: эта функция "группы абонентов" у меня стоит в 9-ом окне... Как бы ее перетащить в 1-ое окно?

    И как здесь проводить синхронизацию с базой на компьютере???

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