WHATS NEW? (V2.7.5):
.) Implemented the Create Simlock Repair RPL funktion. (THIS IS ONLY BETA TEST)
It will only work if PM120 is NOT TAMPERED!
J.A.U will read needed data from Phone and creates the simlock repair rpl.
Write this RPL with any Tool like JAF to Phone and test if it works.
If you already writte wrong Simlocktable to Phone, create rigth one with
J.A.U and write this to Phone.
After this, you can use Simlock Repair RPL function.
If you have already overwritten the Simlockkeys, THIS SOLUTION WILL NOT WORK!
Auto RPL uploading with J.A.U is in work...
.) Fixed the "Manual Local Mode (OK)" Button.
.) Fixed PM120 / PM308 Backup file saving.
.) Done some "fine-tunings" about PM writing. (should be more faster)