"PST_Motorola_CDMA" v2.07

News in version 2.07 :

- Support W355 (Israel with round trade mark ) added:

W355, version "A68.1.0.19" (for Israel), have some modification,
and not work with standart software.
For work with this phone (W355is(rael))the method is used 'Hi Tec'!!.

If "W355is" selected, " Hi Tec " is activated ,also you can work
with any 'normal'or '*****'version firmware for W210 or W355

- Full flash for W355 with russian to support added.

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Started new Module CDMA_FlashReader :

- The Module strarted with support Audiovox Cmd-180;


- Read full flash in binary format;

- The program allows to read flash from some CDMA phones
using UART port (support USB - later),support is planned:
Audiovox,Curitel,Pantech,Samsung,Motorol a phones on processors
QSC60x0,MSM6000,MSM6050,MSM6100,MSM6500. .etc.

- You can use received Flash file in your researches or for next flash writing.

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News in version 2.01 :

- Support FULL flash reading from Pantech HK-575B added;

- Help is modified.