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V3xx_R26111LD_U_96.A0.0ER_lp0031_USIZRGBLTIMGRR261 11031_full_flash.mfw

из бюлютеня
Problem: Some products switched the Memory IC from Dual Die to Monolithic technology during the product life.
The Differences on the Memory IC's is how the NOR memory is stacked.
Dual Die consists of 2x32MB Memory Blocks while the monolithic part uses 1x64MB.
Each memory (Dual Die / Monolithic) needs its own software. There is no software which can run on both memory types.
This informational FSB is to identify what kind of Hardware is in the phone to flash it with the belonging Software.
Solution: Software Identification
Dual Die - R261171LD_U_xx.xx.xxR
Monolithic - R261171MLD_U_xx.xx.xxR
Hardware Identification
a) If possible read out the SW version and verify it as described above.
b) If the phone doesn’t turn on you need to check the part number marking information at the Flash part itself (Only for Level 4 Repairs).
Dual Die - 98WS512NFFFW…..
Monolithic - 98WS512PFFFW…..
Action: Customer Returns:
When servicing any Izar, Volans or Sumba, then:
1. Identify the Phone Hardware like described above.
2. Make sure you flash only the Software which belongs to the right Hardware.
a) See above at Solution section how to identify the right Software.