Доступна новая версия программы под Setool GUI v0.91380093

"thieves" release.

- added IMEI change patch for db2020 cid49/51 phones.

alas, but universalbugz released IMEI change patch for db2020,
and because of that i forced to release same on setool2.
of course, setool2 solution has nothing common with universalbugz
way (i even not know yet how they making their patch)
and developed by myself in educational purposes long-long time ago.

please be certain, that you can use IMEI patch on own phone only for
educational purposes,otherwise you breaking law and blablabla.

note, that it is NOT IMEI repair (security zone repair), but PATCH.
it will NOT repair red blink phones and can only be executed
on 100% working phones.
if you flash main (update on seus) - OLD IMEI will be restored.

patch is working on all recent DB2020 firmwares.
i have no idea and can't guarantee that it will work on new firmwares.
(well, i CAN guarantee that it will NOT work )

now, howto.
well, you already know how, if you ever tried
(of course, for educational purposes only) IMEI change for
db2000/2010 models.

in short - you have 2 ways.

first way:
1. select model, on settings check "use altbypass","use server",
"allow IMEI change when unlocking","patch otp<>gdfs check in firmware"
2. on semc tab press unlock.
phone will be unlocked and you will be asked for new IMEI. cost - 1 credit.

second way:
1. select model, on settings check "use altbypass","use server",
"allow IMEI change when unlocking","patch otp<>gdfs check in firmware",
"unlock after flash"
2. on semc tab, select main,fsimage,custpack. press flash.
phone will be flashed, customized, unlocked and
you will be asked for new IMEI. same, 1 credit.

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