*ODM Rocker 1.28 RC2 - SE Locosto flashing Test*

This is release candidate 2.

Whats new:

- Added flashing for T250, T250i etc
- Added flashing for R300,
- Added flashing for T280

If You want to change language, just reflash FW part. Take note, DO NOT leave "Full" option checked.
Flash files for T250, T280, R300 are ready at support.

To flash phone, use following steps :

- Press "Connect" and wait for boot process to be finished
- Tick "FW" to sellect proper part for flashing
- Open FW file You want to flash
- Press write

DO NOT downgrade firmware, phone will be unoperable. Making FULL backup prior to flashing is recomended.

If phone gets locked after flashing, use ODM_Unlock_v1.20g to unlock it.

If You want to erase user code, flash "Clean_FFS" using "FFS" option.