Просмотр полной версии : HTC Desire S S510E

17.10.2011, 19:11
Кто то разобрался что делать ? Проблема не у меня первого .

Open serial port...OK
Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
Firmware Version: 1.26, JTAG Manager Version: 1.35
Selected Resurrector: [HTC Desire S]

Connecting to the dead body...OK
Detected dead body ID: 0x17B360E1 - CORRECT!
Set I/O Voltage reads as 2.59V, TCK Frequency is RTCK
Adaptive Clocking RTCK Sampling is: [Sample at MAX]

Resurrection sequence started.
Establish communication with the phone...OK
Initializing internal hardware configuration...OK
Uploading resurrector data into memory...OK
Starting communication with resurrector...OK

Detected an Initialized FLASH1 Chip, ID: 0x001E/0x00EA (0x0086800000 Bytes)

Flashing the dead body...
ERROR: DCC Loader has reported Error Code = 0x35 (0x000000). Trying to recover...FAILED
ERROR: Failed due to multiple communication errors. Terminating at 0x000008D200