Просмотр полной версии : Mcnpro box ChinaRes Editor 1.22 released

17.05.2011, 22:35
Fix excel import/export bugs (thanks cykada)

Require completed install Microsoft Office ,eg the addition tools else will be have error when you using open excel file function

Improved MTK Nand flash font detecting
Improved phrase length issue
Font import function Improved (still in beta)
Apply button function Improved (thanks nguyenchithan01 report)
Other small report bugs fixed

Upgrading from Previous Versions:

Version of 1.22 is a maintenance release. (require install suite version 2.08 first) so we are recommend all customers running prior versions upgrade to last version be more stability! As usual, new version is available for all customers with valid, To download that from support section (http://forum.mcnbox.com/sdown.php)