Просмотр полной версии : Sn K 810i Белый икран, перезагруска

21.11.2009, 01:10
Телефон незаряжаетса, подключаю зарядкуб, всьо вроди ок. 1минуту а потом Белый икран мыгает или светитса, А телефон воще тижело включить тоже белый икран весит иногда включаетча и опять белый икра вылитает, иногда опять включаетса Телефон на том же месте где вылител, чо за бред , помогите плис а то :166:

21.11.2009, 01:26
Прошейте его, думаю поможет

21.11.2009, 01:27
чо за бред

Вот и я хочу спросить это, Вы сами хоть поняли что написали? По сути скажуВам нужно поменять программное обеспечение! Вам что то это говорит?

P.S Вас ждут в ближайшей мастерской!:136:

21.11.2009, 01:33
Минял Ни Рас вот Лог:
20:11:15| XS++ v3.1 (Darwin) Ready !
20:11:15| Executed on Microsoft Windows XP
20:11:30| Attempting to open the interface...
20:11:30| TURN OFF PHONE!
20:11:30| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.
20:11:30| You have 30 seconds...
20:11:45| Did not receive 0x5a. Continuing
20:11:56| Disconnected... Unplug the phone
20:11:58| Attempting to open the interface...
20:11:58| TURN OFF PHONE!
20:11:58| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.
20:11:58| You have 30 seconds...
20:12:02| Baseband ID: 9900
20:12:02| Protocol Version: 3.1
20:12:02| Phone name detected!
20:12:02| Profiling SEMC phone...
20:12:02| Platform: DB2020
20:12:02| OTP CID: 51
20:12:02| EROM CID: 52
20:12:02| EROM Color: Red
20:12:02| IMEI: 35799401xxxxxx
20:12:02| Phone ID: K810
20:12:02| Region: C_ASIA
20:12:02| CDA: CDA102568/7 R4A
20:12:02| Firmware Version: R6BC002
20:12:02| EROM: R3A099
20:12:02| Ready for operation!
20:12:31| ~~~~~~~~~~ Custpack information ~~~~~~~~~~
20:12:31| Custpack: AMERICA_2 (CDA102460/101) (K510)
20:12:31| Generic(non-branded) custpack: Yes
20:12:31| Allowed languages: en, pb, xl,
20:12:31| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
20:12:43| ~~~~~~~~~~ Custpack information ~~~~~~~~~~
20:12:43| Custpack: EUROPE_4 (CDA102511/101) (K800)
20:12:43| Generic(non-branded) custpack: Yes
20:12:43| Allowed languages: en, da, fi, is, sv, no,
20:12:43| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
20:12:46| ~~~~~~~~~~ Custpack information ~~~~~~~~~~
20:12:46| Custpack: C_ASIA (CDA102568/7) (K800)
20:12:46| Generic(non-branded) custpack: No
20:12:46| Allowed languages: en, ar, ru, tr, uk,
20:12:46| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
20:12:51| Sending db2020_cid01_prodid_p3j.bin...
20:12:52| Applet ID: 070129 0950 NGUCXC1250330_DB2020_PRODUCTIONIDLOADER_P3J
20:12:52| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
20:12:52| Sending db2020_mem_patcher_cid52_r2a006.bin...
20:12:52| Applet ID: 061205 1523 HANCXC9876543210_DB2020_MEM_PATCHER_R2A006 0
20:12:52| This is a MEM_PATCHER loader
20:12:52| Sending db2020_cid52red_flash_r2a005.bin...
20:12:52| Applet ID: 061201 1314 HANCXC1329129_DB2020_FLASHLOADER_R2A005
20:12:52| This is a FLASH loader
20:12:52| Now flashing firmware main...
20:12:52| Flashing c:\k810_r6bc002_main_generic_sm_red52.mbn
20:12:52| Header type: BABE
20:12:53| 460 flashblocks
20:16:49| Finishing flash
20:16:49| Done flashing
20:16:49| Now flashing filesystem...
20:16:49| Flashing c:\k810_r6bc002_fs_c_asia_red52.fbn
20:16:49| Header type: BABE
20:16:49| 217 flashblocks
20:18:36| Finishing flash
20:18:37| Done flashing
20:18:37| Sending db2020_red52_cs_r3a009.bin...
20:18:38| Applet ID: 070410 1557 HANCXC1250562_DB2020_CSLOADER_R3A009
20:18:38| This is a CHIPSELECT loader
20:18:38| Activating loader...
20:18:38| Activating GDFS...
20:33:45| Error: Flashing failed
20:33:45| Disconnected... Unplug the phone
20:51:57| Attempting to open the interface...
20:51:57| TURN OFF PHONE!
20:51:57| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.
20:51:57| You have 30 seconds...
20:52:03| Baseband ID: 9900
20:52:03| Protocol Version: 3.1
20:52:03| Phone name detected!
20:52:03| Profiling SEMC phone...
20:52:03| Platform: DB2020
20:52:03| OTP CID: 51
20:52:03| EROM CID: 52
20:52:03| EROM Color: Red
20:52:03| IMEI: 35799401xxxxxx
20:52:03| Phone ID: K810
20:52:03| Region: C_ASIA
20:52:03| CDA: CDA102568/7 R4A
20:52:03| Firmware Version: R6BC002
20:52:03| EROM: R3A099
20:52:03| Ready for operation!
20:52:09| ~~~~~~~~~~ Custpack information ~~~~~~~~~~
20:52:09| Custpack: C_ASIA (CDA102568/7) (K800)
20:52:09| Generic(non-branded) custpack: No
20:52:09| Allowed languages: en, ar, ru, tr, uk,
20:52:09| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
20:52:12| Sending db2020_cid01_prodid_p3j.bin...
20:52:12| Applet ID: 070129 0950 NGUCXC1250330_DB2020_PRODUCTIONIDLOADER_P3J
20:52:12| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
20:52:12| Sending db2020_mem_patcher_cid52_r2a006.bin...
20:52:13| Applet ID: 061205 1523 HANCXC9876543210_DB2020_MEM_PATCHER_R2A006 0
20:52:13| This is a MEM_PATCHER loader
20:52:13| Sending db2020_cid52red_flash_r2a005.bin...
20:52:13| Applet ID: 061201 1314 HANCXC1329129_DB2020_FLASHLOADER_R2A005
20:52:13| This is a FLASH loader
20:52:13| Now flashing firmware main...
20:52:13| Flashing c:\k810_r6bc002_main_generic_sm_red52.mbn
20:52:13| Header type: BABE
20:52:13| 460 flashblocks
20:55:59| Finishing flash
20:55:59| Done flashing
20:55:59| Now flashing filesystem...
20:55:59| Flashing c:\k810_r6bc002_fs_c_asia_red52.fbn
20:55:59| Header type: BABE
20:55:59| 217 flashblocks
20:57:46| Finishing flash
20:57:46| Done flashing
20:57:46| Sending db2020_red52_cs_r3a009.bin...
20:57:48| Applet ID: 070410 1557 HANCXC1250562_DB2020_CSLOADER_R3A009
20:57:48| This is a CHIPSELECT loader
20:57:48| Activating loader...
20:57:48| Activating GDFS...
20:58:02| This loader is UNLOCKED
20:58:02| Success! CS-loader has been unlocked!
20:58:02| Uploading customization files to phone...
20:58:02| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_HOOK.itm...
20:58:02| Activating filesystem
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:09| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_HOOK.itm
20:58:09| Deleted...OK!
20:58:09| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_HOOK.itm
20:58:09| Done uploading
20:58:09| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_PICTURES_HOOK_3.itm...
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:09| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_PICTURES_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:09| Deleted...OK!
20:58:09| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_PICTURES_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:09| Done uploading
20:58:09| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_SOUNDS_HOOK_3.itm...
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:09| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_SOUNDS_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:09| Deleted...OK!
20:58:09| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_SOUNDS_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:09| Done uploading
20:58:09| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_THEMES_HOOK_3.itm...
20:58:09| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:10| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_THEMES_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:10| Deleted...OK!
20:58:10| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_THEMES_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:10| Done uploading
20:58:10| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_VIDEOS_HOOK_3.itm...
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:10| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_VIDEOS_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:10| Deleted...OK!
20:58:10| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_VIDEOS_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:10| Done uploading
20:58:10| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/GAMES_HOOK_3.itm...
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:10| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/GAMES_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:10| Deleted...OK!
20:58:10| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/GAMES_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:10| Done uploading
20:58:10| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/MEDIA_PLAYER_HOOK_3.itm...
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:10| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/MEDIA_PLAYER_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:10| Deleted...OK!
20:58:10| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/MEDIA_PLAYER_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:10| Done uploading
20:58:10| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/ORG_APPLICATIONS_HOOK_3.itm...
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:10| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/ORG_APPLICATIONS_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:10| Deleted...OK!
20:58:10| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/ORG_APPLICATIONS_HOOK_3.itm
20:58:11| Done uploading
20:58:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_RINGTONE_HOOK_1.itm...
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_RINGTONE_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:11| Deleted...OK!
20:58:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_RINGTONE_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:11| Done uploading
20:58:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_SCREENSAVER_HOOK_1.itm...
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_SCREENSAVER_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:11| Deleted...OK!
20:58:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_SCREENSAVER_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:11| Done uploading
20:58:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_STARTSHOW_HOOK_1.itm...
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_STARTSHOW_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:11| Deleted...OK!
20:58:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_STARTSHOW_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:11| Done uploading
20:58:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_WALLPAPER_HOOK_1.itm...
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_WALLPAPER_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:11| Deleted...OK!
20:58:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_WALLPAPER_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:11| Done uploading
20:58:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/VIDEO_PLAYER_HOOK_1.itm...
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:12| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/VIDEO_PLAYER_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:12| Deleted...OK!
20:58:12| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/VIDEO_PLAYER_HOOK_1.itm
20:58:12| Done uploading
20:58:12| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/Customize.xml...
20:58:12| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:12| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/Customize.xml
20:58:12| Deleted...OK!
20:58:12| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/Customize.xml
20:58:12| Done uploading
20:58:12| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/preloaded_config.xml...
20:58:12| Creating directory /tpa
20:58:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset
20:58:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
20:58:12| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/preloaded_config.xml
20:58:12| Deleted...OK!
20:58:12| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/preloaded_config.xml
20:58:13| Done uploading
20:58:13| Uploading /files_to_upload to phone...
20:58:13| Sending shutdown command to phone...
20:58:13| Customizing was SUCCESSFUL!
20:58:13| Disconnecting phone...
20:58:13| You may now unplug your phone.
20:58:13| Flashing was successful
20:58:15| Disconnected... Unplug the phone
21:02:09| Attempting to open the interface...
21:02:09| TURN OFF PHONE!
21:02:09| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.
21:02:09| You have 30 seconds...
21:02:14| Baseband ID: 9900
21:02:14| Protocol Version: 3.1
21:02:14| Phone name detected!
21:02:14| Profiling SEMC phone...
21:02:14| Platform: DB2020
21:02:14| OTP CID: 51
21:02:14| EROM CID: 52
21:02:14| EROM Color: Red
21:02:14| IMEI: 35799401xxxxxx
21:02:14| Phone ID: K810
21:02:14| Region: C_ASIA
21:02:14| CDA: CDA102568/7 R4A
21:02:14| Firmware Version: R6BC002
21:02:14| EROM: R3A099
21:02:14| Ready for operation!
21:02:24| ~~~~~~~~~~ Custpack information ~~~~~~~~~~
21:02:24| Custpack: C_ASIA (CDA102568/7) (K800)
21:02:24| Generic(non-branded) custpack: No
21:02:24| Allowed languages: en, ar, ru, tr, uk,
21:02:24| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
21:02:26| Sending db2020_cid01_prodid_p3j.bin...
21:02:26| Applet ID: 070129 0950 NGUCXC1250330_DB2020_PRODUCTIONIDLOADER_P3J
21:02:26| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
21:02:26| Sending db2020_mem_patcher_cid52_r2a006.bin...
21:02:27| Applet ID: 061205 1523 HANCXC9876543210_DB2020_MEM_PATCHER_R2A006 0
21:02:27| This is a MEM_PATCHER loader
21:02:27| Sending db2020_cid52red_flash_r2a005.bin...
21:02:27| Applet ID: 061201 1314 HANCXC1329129_DB2020_FLASHLOADER_R2A005
21:02:27| This is a FLASH loader
21:02:27| Now flashing firmware main...
21:02:27| Flashing c:\k810_r6bc002_main_generic_sm_red52.mbn
21:02:27| Header type: BABE
21:02:27| 460 flashblocks
21:06:13| Finishing flash
21:06:13| Done flashing
21:06:13| Now flashing filesystem...
21:06:13| Flashing c:\k810_r6bc002_fs_c_asia_red52.fbn
21:06:13| Header type: BABE
21:06:13| 217 flashblocks
21:07:59| Finishing flash
21:08:00| Done flashing
21:08:00| Sending db2020_red52_cs_r3a009.bin...
21:08:02| Applet ID: 070410 1557 HANCXC1250562_DB2020_CSLOADER_R3A009
21:08:02| This is a CHIPSELECT loader
21:08:02| Activating loader...
21:08:02| Activating GDFS...
21:08:15| This loader is UNLOCKED
21:08:15| Success! CS-loader has been unlocked!
21:08:15| Uploading customization files to phone...
21:08:15| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/Customize.xml...
21:08:15| Activating filesystem
21:08:22| Creating directory /tpa
21:08:22| Creating directory /tpa/preset
21:08:22| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
21:08:22| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/Customize.xml
21:08:22| Deleted...OK!
21:08:22| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/Customize.xml
21:08:22| Done uploading
21:08:22| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/preloaded_config.xml...
21:08:22| Creating directory /tpa
21:08:22| Creating directory /tpa/preset
21:08:22| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
21:08:22| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/preloaded_config.xml
21:08:22| Deleted...OK!
21:08:22| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/preloaded_config.xml
21:08:23| Done uploading
21:08:23| Uploading /files_to_upload to phone...
21:08:23| Sending shutdown command to phone...
21:08:23| Customizing was SUCCESSFUL!
21:08:23| Disconnecting phone...
21:08:23| You may now unplug your phone.
21:08:23| Flashing was successful
21:08:25| Disconnected... Unplug the phone

exstreme добавил 21.11.2009 в 01:16

Вот и я хочу спросить это, Вы сами хоть поняли что написали? По сути скажуВам нужно поменять программное обеспечение! Вам что то это говорит?

P.S Вас ждут в ближайшей мастерской!:136:

Посли смены Тожесамое, тока Заметил што когда батарея севшая то чаще глючит