Просмотр полной версии : РАЗЛОЧКА НОВЫХ BB5 ВОЗМОЖНА!!!!

17.07.2009, 21:54

Now you can use the Genie Logger to unlock RAP3 phones with hash 9DDB...
if they still have the old PA_SL2 firmware. Enjoy while you can !

Nokia BB5 RPL Logger for Genie V
Waiting Genie....Found.
Reading data...Done.
Script v, Genie SN: 30002, OS v
Init Fbus, Wait Phone Boot...Done.
Reading Phone Info&SimLock...Done.
SW Version: V 09.40
(c) Nokia
ImeiNumber: 354151027085094
Config Key: 2343300000000000
Profl Bits: 8000000000000006
Code Count: 0.0
Lock Stat0: Closed 23433f
Lock Stat1: Closed 23486f

Booting phone...Done.
Rap3 Id: 2470010D3FC27D56D12FBA3F01410C0EBAC92C27
Root Hash: 9DDBFCFE6E73CED7D8C6268C8EB85723
TzRom Crc: 273F6D55DFAAF68F
Sending code...Done.
Connecting to server...Done.
Sever Version: 0.42
Credits Count: 5340
Saving file...Done.
Open file...Done.
Checking file...Done.
File: 2470010D3FC27D56D12FBA3F01410C0EBAC92C27.rpl
Init Fbus, Wait Phone Boot...Done.
Uploading New Simlock Data...Done.
Uploading SuperDongle data...Skipped.

Init Fbus, Wait Phone Boot...Done.
Reading Phone Info&SimLock...Done.
SW Version: V 09.40
(c) Nokia
ImeiNumber: 354151027085094
Config Key: 2440700000000000
Profl Bits: 0000000000000000
Code Count: 0.0
Lock Stat0: Open
Lock Stat1: Open
Lock Stat2: Open
Lock Stat3: Open
Lock Stat4: Open
Lock Stat5: Open
Lock Stat6: Open

Things you should keep in mind:

- You need good quality cable and adapter with all lines (incl RX2 and VPP)
- You will be charged on reading ask file and calculating RPL as follows:
read - 35 credits
calc - 15 credits
so total: 50 credits per one unlock
- If for some reason(bad cable, error connection) the read fails, you will be
still charged 35 credits
- You can perfectly read ask and calculate rpl for SL3 firmware phone and
because there is no HW diff between SL2 and SL3 phones, you will be still
charged 50 credits, but upload will fail. So make sure you press Upload first
in bb5notp.exe to check if this is SL3 phone (off course this will work only
on phones with valid PM, if the phone is erased detection will not be correct)


Q: How much is 50 credits ?
A: Around 15 Euro if you buy the smallest credit pack and around 8.5 Euro if
you buy the most expensive package.

Q: My calculation was ok, but on upload i got error 15, can i get my credits back ?
A: Off course not, you did an SL3 phone and you didnt spend the time to
read the precautions.

Q: I have good cable that works with JAF,UB,MTBOX, Asda beans can from 9 pence
etc, but with the logger i got error 10 on sending code and i am charged 35 credits,
can i get a refund ?

A: Again no, its your responsibility to test the cable by other means first and
preserve server bandwidth for other Genie users as well.

Q: I have good RX2 cable, unlocked many phones with the logger but sometimes i
have to do the read twice, the first time fails, but second time is
ok, can i get the refund for the first credits lost ?

A: This is caused by noisy interface as the RX2 communication is quite fast and
error prone. We will not refund the lost credits as we don't have time
keep track on every server operation. Using the service for RAP3 phones is
entirely on users risk.

Q: I have read all Q&A and I am ***** enough to buy credits, where do i get
them from ?

A: You can buy from here.

Hope this makes it clear.

BR, Alex

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